Car wash machine needs for st cold pressure washers are in subcategories according to your needs. You can easily view all technical details about cold pressure washers by visiting the product pages in the relevant category. With Rotowash quality, you can continue your business safely by purchasing long-lasting and high-quality car wash machines
St series trigger cold single phase washing machines are available on our website with 150 and 200 bar pressure options. Details are available on our page.
Get ready to make your work easier with Rotowash ST Turbo high pressure washing machines. Our products with 150, 200 and 250 bar options are on our page.
You can visit our page now to make your work easier and for quality products with Rotowash ST Turbo Plus high pressure washing machines.
An easy cleaning process awaits you with the St series cold single-phase washing machines. You are at the right address for professional pressure washing machines.